Recruit dental nurses and support staff

Options for finding the perfect candidate for your requirements

Bespoke CV Search

Our bespoke CV search service is a unique offering that creates a new and different alternate means for you to search and select candidates. It is bespoke to your needs, saves time, mid-level in pricing with a fee that is only invoiced and paid upon successful hiring. 
How does it work?
With access to a large database of dental professionals looking for a new job, we are able to search for a dental nurse and practice support staff in your area. We can search for the unique skills required to match your dental practice needs. CVs matching your requirements will be sent to you to assess. You will be able to arrange interviews and trials days as needed directly. It is only once you have selected a candidate to hire that you will be invoiced with the fee of £750 plus vat

Who can we find for you:

SmileWisdom is a leading dental teaching and education academy with a database comprising Dental Nurses, Treatment coordinators, Dental Receptionists and Practice Managers (including CQC Practice Managers). If you are seeking another member of your dental nursing and support team, do please get in touch, we can also often search for other job roles. Our service is bespoke, so if you need specific dental nursing skills such as the ability to take radiographs, a certain language skill, software knowledge, or just a dental nurse with a specific number of years of experience we can find them for you!


  • Saves time: you don’t need to wade through masses of CVs to check if the dental nurse has the specific skills you want or lives within a good travel distance to your practice. You will be given a shortlist of CVs already picked to match your needs.
  • Speed: get the right CVs faster than waiting for applicants through a job listing. We are also in regular contact with our candidate base, which makes it easy to notify them of a job opportunity. This often allows our clients to hire faster.
  • Affordable: As you still carry out the arrangements of interviews, trials days, gathering correct documentation for work etc., we do not charge a full-service recruitment fee. Instead, this is mid-level pricing offering your the best of both worlds, with the opportunity to get more than a standard job listing would bring, but not quite as much as a full recruitment service.
  • For practices in areas with high competition for dental nurses, finding the right dental staff looking for a job is easier when we search for them rather than waiting for applications.

Who is this service suitable for?

  • The practice manager who is too busy to go through endless CVs to check suitability for the job role, but happy to arrange their own interview, trial day and legal documentation process upon hiring.
  • The principal dentist busy doing clinical work doesn’t have a practice manager to help with hiring but is able to spend time with a select few CVs to carry out the hiring process.
  • The dental nurse filling in for a vacant practice manager position, helping the principal dentist with hiring
  • The dental team on a tighter budget, but needs the right staff quickly without time to wait for applicants through a job listing

Contact our team today or call 0207 205 2299 (Options 2)

See our terms and conditions

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Josh, can help with all your recruitment needs.

She can help you find your job in dentistry or if you are dental practice, help you find your new team member. With a lengthy background in dentistry as a qualified dental nurse and practice manager, she understands what it takes to find the right fit.

Josh is an award-winning practice manager having started her career as a nurse in the major trauma centre at St. Mary’s in Paddington, London, and moving onto managing a high-end dental practice in Chelsea.

While carrying out her management position, Josh was responsible for  staff recruitment and retention, enthusiastically recruiting the best candidates with the objective of nurturing a long term employee developing to the best of their ability. She quickly developed a keen interest in skills and know-how development, and what really motivates people to come to work on a cold, wet and dark day.

Prior to becoming our Head of Recruitment Consulting, Josh spent a year as the Head of Resourcing and Job Board at SmileWisdom, supporting our students in finding their first job as dental nurses, and assisting dental practices in recruiting trainee nurses and practice support staff. Her commitment, advice and expertise combined with her ability to match candidates’ skills with dental practice needs helped many students to commence an exciting career in dentistry, and benefit a vast number of dental practices who found great team members.

So, if your dental practice is looking for nurses or support staff, you can entrust Josh with the task of finding you the most suitable candidates, saving you time and effort.

Intereted in our bespoke recruitment services?

Contact Josh and her team now: or call 0207 205 2299 (Options 2)

See our terms and conditions

Head of Recruitment

Joshtyn Williams

Head of Recruitment Consulting

In association with