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orthodontic nursing
orthodontic nursing
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Additional Information

National Diploma in Dental Nursing (NEBDN)

Your Interest

    NEBDN logo
    Through experience and credibility, we enhance the careers of dental nurses & practice support staff with training and resourcing, and e-CPD for all dental professionals;

    delivered with dedication and passion!

    • Be dedicated to the training and education of dental professionals
    • Be run solely by dental professionals for dental professionals with the highest possible standards of tuition
    • Provide the highest possible training and education for dental professionals in a small class environment.
    • Provide a positive learning environment

    SmileWisdom has an impressive pass rate for the NEBDN Diploma in Dental Nursing London.

    Glossary of terms used in Curriculum

    Definitions are given in relation to their relevance to the NEBDN National Diploma in Dental Nursing qualification, and the expected areas of coverage by the definitions.

    Biochemistry(1.1.4) – as a minimum this should include the chemistry of living organisms and the substances involved in their metabolism. To include the structures and functions of cellular components such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other bio molecules.

    Clinical practice (3.3.3) – that area of dentistry involved with the direct delivery of dental treatment to patients, in the dental chair. Areas of coverage should include the following methods:


    • Letter
    • Electronic


    • Face to face
    • Telephone


    Dental biomaterials(1.1.10) – those materials designed for use in the oral cavity during the practice of dentistry, which are biologically compatible.

    • Areas of coverage should include those for use as follows:
    • Cementing fixed orthodontic components
    •  Cementing fixed restorations
    • Impression taking
    • Linings for cavities
    • Pain control
    • Permanent fillings
    •  Sealing root canals
    • Temporary dressings
    • Wound dressings

    Functions of major body systems (1.1.5) – the physiology of the major body systems, in relation to their significance to dental treatment. Areas of coverage should include the following systems:

    • Cardiovascular
    • Digestive
    • Nervous
    • Respiratory

    Health and Safety legislation (1.4.5) – the legislation and regulations that specifically pertain to the safe running of the dental workplace. Areas of coverage should include all of the following, their successive updates, or relevant international variations:

    • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Environmental Protection Act (Waste Regulations)
    • Fire Precaution Regulations
    • First Aid Regulations
    • Health and Safety (Young Persons) Regulations
    • Health and Safety at Work Act
    •  Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations (IR(ME)R)
    • Ionising Radiation Regulations (IRR)
    • Manual Handling Regulations
    • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)

    Medical conditions (1.3.6) – those physical conditions or medications that make understanding of oral health messages, or acceptable standards of oral health, difficult for the patient to achieve. Areas of coverage should include the following medical conditions and medications:

    • Hearing impairment
    • Medications with detrimental oral side effects
    • Mobility impairment
    • Visual impairment

    Patient-centered care and approach(2.1.2 and 4.2.1) – the actions taken to ensure that the dental team behave and work in a manner that ensures the best interests of the patient are maintained at all times. Areas of coverage should include the following principles:

    • Patient consent
    • Patient confidentiality
    • Handling complaints
    • Adhering to GDC Standards guidance
    • Adhering to GDC Scope of Practice

    Psychiatric conditions(1.3.6) – those mental, emotional, or behavioural conditions that make attendance for oral care or dental treatment, or the understanding of oral health messages given, problematic for the patient. Areas of coverage should include the following conditions:

    •  Dental anxiety
    • Dental phobia
    • Special educational needs

    The term specifically discounts any other psychiatric conditions, as sufferers of those are considered as special needs patients whose dental treatment and oral care is beyond the remit of a basically qualified dental nurse.

    Sterilization, decontamination, and disinfection materials (1.1.6) – those materials used during these procedures to obtain asepsis, decontamination, or disinfection. Areas of coverage should include the following materials:

    • Deionised water
    • Solution decontaminants
    • Solution disinfectants
    • Surface disinfectants

    Vulnerable groups(2.2.7) – patient groups that may be vulnerable to abuse by others, due to their age or their diminished mental or physical capacity. Areas of coverage should include the following groups:

    • Children
    • Elderly
    • Mentally incapacitated adults
    • Physically incapacitated adults

    OPTION-01: – Live online course start dates:
    Live online course. Start dates : All SmileWisdom online classes are with a qualified and experienced tutor.

    1. Friday 7 February 2025  – DNO73
      10.00am to 12.00pm (One 2 hour class every week with Fiza Hussain)
    2. Saturday 1 March 2025  – DNO75
      10.00am to 12.00pm (One 2 hour class every week with Perminder Kaur)
    3. Monday 3 March 2025  – DNO74
      6.30pm to 8.30pm (One 2 hour class every week with Karolina Adamska-Ziolkowska)
    4. Monday 24 March 2025 – DNO76
      6.00pm to 8.00pm (One 2 hour class every week with Melinda Szasz)

    NOTE: – Each class is the same day and time as the first class.

    OPTION-02: – 100% face to face:
    100% face to face – classroom based for all lectures with a qualified and experienced tutor.

    1. Thursday 20 February 2025 – DNF20
      2.00pm to 6.00pm (One 4 hour class every two weeks with Perminder Kaur)
    2. Thursday 13 March 2025 – DNF21
      9.30am to 1.30pm (One 4 hour class every two weeks with Perminder Kaur)
    3. Thursday 13 March 2025 – DNF22
      2.00pm to 6.00pm (One 4 hour class every two weeks with Perminder Kaur)

    NOTE: – Each class is every 2 weeks for 4 hours on Thursday at the same time as the first class. We are based at The British Dental Association (BDA). 64 Wimpole St. London, W1G 8YS.

    Please see our Terms & Conditions – HERE

    Through experience and credibility, we enhance the careers of dental nurses & practice support staff with training and resourcing, and e-CPD for all dental professionals;

    delivered with dedication and passion!

    • Be dedicated to the training and education of dental professionals
    • Be run solely by dental professionals for dental professionals with the highest possible standards of tuition
    • Provide the highest possible training and education for dental professionals in a small class environment.
    • Provide a positive learning environment

    SmileWisdom has an impressive pass rate for the NEBDN Diploma in Dental Nursing London.

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