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SmileWisdom Dental Nurse Training and Recruitment (Job Board)

Why take your diploma in dental nursing with SmileWisdom

Taking your dental nursing Diploma with Smilewisdom Why Should I Do My Dental Nurse Training With SmileWisdom?    If you’re thinking about where to start your career as a dental nurse then you’ve come to the right place. A good education is important, you may be thinking ‘why should I do my training

Become an Oral Health Educator

The world needs more Oral Health Educators, could you be one of them? The historic World Health Organisation (WHO) Resolution May 2021 paves the way for oral health improvements with “a shift from the traditional curative approach towards a preventative approach that includes promotion of oral health within the family, schools and workplaces.”

By |2022-03-18T16:55:28+00:00September 7th, 2021|Categories: Dental Health & Wellbeing, Dental Nurse Training, Featured, Further Learning|0 Comments

Training to be a dental nurse – your questions answered

How long will it take me to become a dental nurse?  What are the different course options and what do I need to know in advance? You’ve decided on a change of career and are thinking that dental nursing might be the one for you but there are still some questions in the

By |2023-02-09T16:43:03+00:00August 20th, 2021|Categories: Dental Health & Wellbeing|0 Comments

Finding your perfect dental nurse candidate

What to do if you can’t find the right dental nurse for your dental practice. Looking after a dental practice and ensuring it runs smoothly is a demanding job on a normal day; doing this when short-staffed is even more challenging. If you’ve tried creating a job listing, carried out interviews and still

By |2021-08-04T20:23:47+01:00August 4th, 2021|Categories: Dental Nurse Career Support, Finding Dental Nurse jobs|0 Comments

Reaching your potential with a dental nursing postgraduate

Increase productivity with a dental nursing postgraduate course There’s a good reason that more and more dental practices are encouraging and supporting their dental nurses to take on additional skills - and it relates to productivity. A productive and successful dental practice uses the time of every person available in the most efficient

By |2021-10-15T14:53:33+01:00August 3rd, 2021|Categories: Dental Nurse Career Support, Dental Nurse Training|0 Comments

Retraining to become a dental nurse

Why it’s worth taking a risk on retraining to become a dental nurse Career change to become a dental nurse Choosing to switch careers can be a daunting prospect and no more so than in our current post-pandemic world. As the saying goes, ‘a change is as good as a rest’ and changing

By |2021-07-30T15:52:56+01:00July 30th, 2021|Categories: Dental Nurse Career Support, Dental Nurse Training|0 Comments

Studying dental nursing – learning tips

Top tips for retaining information when learning dental and clinical knowledge  If you are studying for your NEBDN diploma or want to increase your dental nursing skills with a postgraduate course there is a lot of new information to take it.  For your course, there will be a host of new procedures, technical

By |2022-05-09T11:35:48+01:00July 27th, 2021|Categories: Dental Health & Wellbeing|0 Comments