Online CPD – Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults
For all dental professionals
This course will update your knowledge on methods of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and the relevant legislation and guidance, to ensure you can recognise, prevent and report harm or abuse, satisfy our moral and legal duty of care to our patients and satisfy GDC and CQC requirements.
What you will learn from this CPD course
- The importance of safeguarding in the dental practice.
- The role and responsibilities of dental professionals when it comes to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
- How to identify the main types of abuse and harm
- How to report harm and abuse
- The importance of being treated with dignity and respect when coming forward about a case of abuse.
- How to compile a safeguarding policy.
SmileWisdom invites all dental professionals to take our Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults course.
All our courses are subject to strict, comprehensive and robust quality assurance and specifically tailored to help you fulfil your enhanced CPD requirements set our by the GDC. They also meet the CQC regulations to ensure you and your practice are delivering the highest standard of dental care.

Who is the course suitable for?
Dental Therapists
Dental Hygienists
Orthodontic Therapists
Clinical Dental Technicians
Dental nurses
Dental Technicians
And any other team members with a valid GDC number can benefit from this CPD course.
Great reasons to take this course
Why take the dental safeguarding CPD course?
- Know how to confidently identify and report abuse and neglect of children and vulnerable adults.
- Boost your employability – Being up to date in this topic is very appealing to potential employers.
- Become an asset to your team by knowing your safeguarding role and responsibilities and performing them well.
- Fulfil your GDC and CQC training requirements on this topic.
- Become your practice’s safeguarding manager.
- Perform well in a CQC inspection when asked about safeguarding.
Course modules
This course will cover the following topics:
· What is safeguarding?
· Types of abuse and neglect
· Signs, symptoms and indicators of abuse and neglect.
· What constitutes harm?
· Promoting individuals’ dignity and rights.
· Multiagency protections arrangements
· Protecting Children
· Protecting vulnerable Adults
· Responding to suspected abuse and neglect
· Recording information
Relevant Legislation
Raise concerns if patients are at risk
CQC Regulation 12 (Safety of care and treatment).
CQC Regulation 17 (Good governance)
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006)
GDC Principle Six -Work with colleagues in a way that serves the interests of patients
GDC Principle One -Put patients’ interests first