CPD dental nurses

Online CPD – COSHH Risk Assessment for the Dental Practice

For all dental professionals

This course will provide you with the knowledge you need to undertake a COSHH risk assessment and to classify different hazardous substances and how they cause harm to the body.

What you will learn from this CPD course

  • The importance of COSHH risk assessments, The reasons for conducting COSHH risk assessments
  • The main legislation relating to COSHH risk assessments.
  • To identify and classify different forms of hazardous substances and how these substances affect the body to cause harm.
  • To control risks from hazardous substances
  • The factors to consider when assessing risks from exposure to hazardous substances.
  • The hierarchy of controls in relation to hazardous substances.
  • How to carry out a COSHH risk assessment in your practice.
  • The stages of a COSHH risk assessment and the circumstances in which a COSHH risk assessment should be reviewed.
  • Our duty to report under RIDDOR
  • Which injuries diseases and dangerous occurrences are reportable under RIDDOR
  • How they are reported and within which timescales.
  • How they are recorded.

Our COSHH Risk Assessment CPD for the Dental Team is quality assured and specifically tailored to help you fulfil your enhanced CPD requirements set out by the GDC. It also meets the CQC regulations to ensure you and your practice are delivering the highest standard of dental care.


4 hours

£84 inc VAT

GDC Outcomes: B

spilt chemicals

Who is the course suitable for?

Dental Therapists
Dental Hygienists
Orthodontic Therapists
Clinical Dental Technicians
Dental nurses
Dental Technicians

And any other team members with a valid GDC number can benefit from this CPD course.

Great reasons to take this course

Why take the COSHH Risk Assessment Dental CPD course?

  • Become an asset to your team by knowing your COSHH role and responsibilities and performing  them well.
  • You will gain the ability to carry out COSHH risk assessments in the dental practice.
  • Boost your employability – Being up to date in COSHH is very appealing to potential employers
  • Perform well in a CQC inspection when asked about COSHH and RIDDOR
  • Feel reassured that you manage substances safely in accordance with COSHH
  • Gain confidence that you can report injuries, diseases, and dangerous occurrences correctly in accordance with RIDDOR

Course modules

Module 1: The importance of COSHH risk assessments

In this section, you will develop your understanding of the reasons for conducting COSHH risk assessments and the main legislation relating to COSHH risk assessments.

Module 2: Types of hazardous substances

Upon completion of this section, you will be able to identify and classify different forms of hazardous substances and how these substances affect the body to cause harm.

Module 3: Controlling risks from hazardous substances

This section helps you to understand the factors to consider when assessing risks from exposure to hazardous substances, covering the hierarchy of controls in relation to hazardous substances.

Module 4: How a COSHH risk assessment is carried out

In this section, you will study the stages of a COSHH risk assessment and the circumstances in which a COSHH risk assessment should be reviewed.

Relevant Legislation

HSE Guidance on Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002.

HSE guidance on: Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013

GDC Principle Seven Maintain, develop and work within your professional knowledge and skills

COSHH risk assessment dental CPD
COSHH risk assessment dental CPD
ROE tutor

Help and Guidance Feedback

Our interactive CPD learning courses have been created by Emma Male to the highest quality of learning standards.
If you have any enquiries about these courses feel free to contact Emma
Emma has many years of experience teaching dentists and dental nurses and has delivered courses in practice and online making her uniquely positioned to offer our online CPD training in a fun engaging and interactive manner.
Emma holds the Kings College Hospital Dental Implant Nursing Certificate and has been the seconded BADN council member for Dental Implants.
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