Welcome to WisdomClub!

The best membership for qualified dental nurses in the UK.
WisdomClub is for every dental nurse who has qualified and has a GDC number.

Why is WisdomClub the best
dental nurse membership

For only £25 a year, each member gets:

•16 hours of free online CPD (can start and stop as needed)
•Chance to win prizes (this is Paula with her Philips electric toothbrush she won)
•Career support
•Access to live dental CPD webinars
•Voice their opinion to the dental community
•and so much more!

Why did we create WisdomClub for dental nurses?

At SmileWisdom we have supported countless dental nurses into the exciting world of dentistry.

Now we wanted to offer something fun and helpful that supports dental nurses once they have qualified and are important members of the dental industry.

We wanted to show dental nurses how valued they are – WisdomClub became the answer we were looking for.

WisdomClub is where you can find events to continue learning, be surprised with prizes, get personalised career support when needed, help to understand and meet your CPD requirements – and much more!

Full list of WisdomClub Benefits

WisdomClub Live Webinar Schedule

When: February 2024, 7pm – 8pm
Speaker: Victoria Wilson
Title: The Future of Oral Health Education

When: April 2024, 7pm – 8pm
Speaker: Sarah Hussey
Title: Anatomical Structures & Systems

When: June 2024, 7pm – 8pm
Speaker: Dr Liz Moran
Title: Dental Radiography

When: July 2024, 7pm – 8pm
Speaker: Perminder Kaur
Title: Topical Fluoride Application

When: September 2024, 7pm – 8pm
Speaker: Natalie Romeo
Title: Orthodontics

When: November 2024, 7pm – 8pm
Speaker: Emma Davis
Title: Sedation Dental Nursing

All attendees must be booked onto the session to receive the link to attend. All WisdomClub members attending the live webinar will receive a 1 hour CPD certificate a week after the event (your camera must be on throughout so we can confirm attendance). WisdomClub members can invite a friend to join the webinar (friend will not get CPD for attending). Webinar bookings open 1 week before the live session.

WisdomClub FAQs

Q: Who is WisdomClub for?

A: WisdomClub is for anyone who has qualified as a dental nurse and has a GDC number.

Q: How much does it cost to be a member of WisdomClub?

A: It costs £25 to become a member for one year. You pay this in full when you join. You can renew this yearly to remain a member.

Q: Can I catch up on a live webinar I missed?

A: Our aim is to record every webinar so you can catch up after from your member’s login area. To gain CPD from a missed webinar, you need to complete the question sheet and send to admin@wisdomclub.co.uk

Q: How long do I have to complete the online CPD

A: Your online CPD needs to be completed within the year you joined WisdomClub.

Q: I have an idea I think should be part of the membership benefits, how do I let you know?

A: We welcome suggestions to continue making WisdomClub better and better. Please email us at admin@wisdomclub.co.uk

Q: What kind of prices can I win?

A: Prizes vary to keep things exciting for our members! Look out for electric toothbrushes, chocolate, toothpastes, chewing gum and more!

Are you a dental business
wanting to support dental nurses?

We are delighted to be at the forefront of offering dental nurses a membership that is beneficial for their career and continued education, but also fun.

If you are a business and want to be part of giving back to dental nurses, get in touch and let us know how you want to be part of WisdomClub.

Reach us on admin@wisdomclub.co.uk.

We can’t wait to hear from you!