Beth Wrighton
Brand Ambasador
Beth Wrighton Dip DN
Brand Ambasador
Beth joins our professional jobs and recruitment team. She’s passionate about connecting the right people with the right jobs in the world of dentistry. Beth is a Yorkshire girl at heart and no stranger to dentistry herself having completed a Level 3 diploma in Dental Nursing and other courses in dental radiography, infection control, management of oral health and intravenous sedation.
A huge believer in the law of attraction (if you haven’t read The Secret then put it on your list) her favourite quote is, “When you truly want something and go after it without limiting yourself with disbelief, the Universe will make it happen for you.” Beth lives for big snowy mountains so her idea of heaven is Chamonix, France, and she loves to snowboard. Fun fact, she competes in beauty pageants and if you’re doing the coffee run then make sure hers is 50/50 coffee/milk with a teaspoon of honey to keep her sweet.